Useful Links

It is not always easy to find all the good tips...
We gathered some of the most useful ones, just for you!


You need high computation power to run some simulations? Use Condor, the ITET High-throughput Computing infrastructure.

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D-ITET Workshop

You need to build something for your experiments? Get the help of professionals for technical questions and manufacturing.

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Microelectronics Design Centre

The Microelectronics Design Centre provides microelectronic circuit design (VLSI chips and ASICs) and printed circuit board design (PCBs) services for the D-ITET laboratories.

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The AVETH Survival Guide

AVETH compilated many general and practical information for newcomers at ETH (moving in zurich, health insurance, traveling, troubleshooting, doctorate regulations...).

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AVETH Counselling

Having difficulties while working at ETH, with your colleagues or supervisor? Fellow doctoral students from the AVETH Conseling team can help you out.

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Interested in developping your soft skills? The didactica programm offers every semester short courses on various topics.

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Learning to Teach

Scared to death about going in a classroom as teacher? Or just willing to do a good job? ETH offers lectures especially tailored for doctoral students to learn how to teach.

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Poster Printing in ETZ building

There is a poster printer in the ETZ building. It is quite convenient to quickly prototype you work before sending if off for printing on a nice (and expensive) glossy paper ;-)

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Centralized ETH Printing service

You don't need to install all printers on your computer anymore!
One online application, all ETH printers available. You can see what you have printed and also transfer money to your students in case they have thesis-related printing costs.

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ETH IT Service Catalogue

The provision of IT services at ETH Zurich is carried out by IT Services which acts as a central ICT Provider. Additionally it provides departements with IT Support Groups.

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ETH Room Reservation web application

 Search for available rooms and make reservations within the Department buildings and other ETH Zurich buildings

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ISG services at D-ITET

The IT Support Group of the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at ETH Zurich provides IT services for its department and member institutes.

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ISG Wiki

You will find there small tutorials and info about the services offered by ISG at D-ITET.

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Doctorate regulations at D-ITET

The detailed regulations for doctoral studies are decided by each department. Here are the specific rules for D-ITET (see on the left panel).

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D-ITET Good-to-Know

Here is the department version of the same kind of list.

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Europcar Rental Cheaper via ETH

On average 6% cheaper with ETH card. Or, if you have a General Abo (GA) or Halb-tax from SBB, you can get a good discount directly on the Europcar website.

ETH Link Europcar

Mobility Car Sharing

Sometime a car can be convenient. With the ETH Card, you can get a free Mobility trial period and a big discount on the annual subscription!

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Centralized Swiss Library system

Looking for a book? Those from around 140 libraries of universities and research facilities in Switzerland are all on there. Get it delivered to your prefered ETH library!

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